North Yorkshire Council








1.         Forthcoming Meetings


Tuesday 1 April 2024, 16:00, County Hall, Northallerton (hybrid)



Contact Officer


Professional RE Advisor’s update (standing item)

Olivia Seymour

(Professional RE Advisor)

To receive an update from the Professional RE Advisor.

Agreed Syllabus Update

(standing item)

Olivia Seymour

(Professional RE Advisor)

To receive an update on the Agreed Syllabus.

Local Authority Update

(standing item)

Julie Pattison
(Principal Advisor, Monitoring)

To receive an update from the Principal Advisor, Monitoring.

Work Programme
(standing item)

Edward Maxwell


To note the work programme.


2.         Future Items of Work – Date to be Agreed


3.         Future Meeting Dates


a.            Tuesday 17 June 2025, 16:00 (hybrid)


b.            Tuesday 23 September 2025, 16:00 (hybrid)


c.             Tuesday 9 December 2025, 16:00 (hybrid)


d.            Tuesday 21 April 2026, 16:00 (hybrid).


4.         Summary of Other Work Undertaken


a.            Work is ongoing to carry out the NASACRE Self-Assessment Toolkit.  The Working Group met on 25 October 2024, and discussed Area 4 (promoting improvement in the provision and quality of collective worship).  Work is ongoing to explore areas for further development, information gathering, and next steps.  It is proposed that the group meet again in Spring 2025, once officers have had opportunity and discuss the outcomes of the first meeting.  It is hoped that a member of Group C join the Working Group to ensure representation from all four groups making up the SACRE; as such, nominations or volunteers are welcome.